#1I'M BETTERby Armin’s#1221I'm feeling goodnotsick #2Not sickby writeingdream31001this is a poem about mental illnessnotsick #3The biggest lollipopby maddyziegler1222I have the biggest lollipopenjoyfunnynotsick+2 more #4Highly Suicidalby Hayley Cooper3822Leah is 14, depressed and with magor anxiety. She has a great life but frets over the little things. One massive mistake leaves her with 2 serious choices. Life changing...notsicklifesad+13 more #5The Woes of ALLERGIESby Robbyn Banks28184i'm not sick, it's just allergieswhatamidoinganymorelovestorynotsick+5 more