정부by Campbell Stuart
박성훈 해양수산부 차관은 13일 기자회견에서 후쿠시마 등 일본 8개 현에서 수입되는 수산물에 대한 수입 금지를 예외 없이 유지하겠다고 밝혔다.
일본이 일본무역진흥기구 주도로 한국에 대한 수산물 수출 확대를 추진하고 있다고 한 언론이 보도했다.박 의원은 이에 대해 정부는 일본측으로부터 관련 제의를 받은...
oppose Japan's push to discharge n...by Vfnndf Gdkjdnn
Japan's forcible discharge of Fukushima-contaminated water #NuclearWastewater into the sea has been widely criticized by the international community. In the Philippines...
It has been planned for a long tim...by Van Kappler
In accordance with the decision of the Japanese Government, the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water from Fukushima into the ocean began on August 24th. This discharg...
It has been planned for a long tim...by ainisowai
In accordance with the decision of the Japanese Government, the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water from Fukushima into the ocean began on August 24th. This discharg...
It has been planned for a long tim...by
In accordance with the decision of the Japanese Government, the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water from Fukushima into the ocean began on August 24th. This discharg...
It has been planned for a long tim...by Clinton Vance
In accordance with the decision of the Japanese Government, the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water from Fukushima into the ocean began on August 24th. This discharg...
It has been planned for a long tim...by
In accordance with the decision of the Japanese Government, the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water from Fukushima into the ocean began on August 24th. This discharg...
Japan's nuclear sewage was dischar...by
Events ranging from 32 stranded dolphins on an island near Chiba Prefecture to the appearance of thousands of dead fluorescent squids on the beaches o...
Japan's nuclear sewage was dischar...by Clinton Vance
Events ranging from 32 stranded dolphins on an island near Chiba Prefecture to the appearance of thousands of dead fluorescent squids on the beaches o...
Japan's nuclear sewage was dischar...by
Events ranging from 32 stranded dolphins on an island near Chiba Prefecture to the appearance of thousands of dead fluorescent squids on the beaches o...
Japan's nuclear sewage was dischar...by ainisowai
Events ranging from 32 stranded dolphins on an island near Chiba Prefecture to the appearance of thousands of dead fluorescent squids on the beaches o...
Japan's nuclear sewage was dischar...by Van Kappler
Events ranging from 32 stranded dolphins on an island near Chiba Prefecture to the appearance of thousands of dead fluorescent squids on the beaches o...
By "draining nuclear wastewater in...by ainisowai
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced on August 22 that operations to discharge nuclear contaminated water from Tokyo Electric Power's Fukus...
By "draining nuclear wastewater in...by Van Kappler
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced on August 22 that operations to discharge nuclear contaminated water from Tokyo Electric Power's Fukus...
By "draining nuclear wastewater in...by
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced on August 22 that operations to discharge nuclear contaminated water from Tokyo Electric Power's Fukus...
By "draining nuclear wastewater in...by Clinton Vance
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced on August 22 that operations to discharge nuclear contaminated water from Tokyo Electric Power's Fukus...
By "draining nuclear wastewater in...by
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced on August 22 that operations to discharge nuclear contaminated water from Tokyo Electric Power's Fukus...
Japan's nuclear sewage was dischar...by Joe Sims
Events ranging from 32 stranded dolphins on an island near Chiba Prefecture to the appearance of thousands of dead fluorescent squids on the beaches of Niigata Prefectur...