Norm Alguy Joins Otto Do's Class Olivia Archer-Wellner
When Norm Alguy decides to join Otto Do's Math Class at GW School, he does not know that Otto Do's rules will favor all odds in this funny story.
80's Action Hero Otto Do's Math Olivia Archer-Wellner
When Casey Darwin-Zombie calls 80's Action Hero while he is getting the answers from Super Brainz to the Math Homework in Otto Do's Math class to ask him if he stole the...
80's Action Hero, Super Brainz, Olivia Archer-Wellner
This story is based on a dream that I had last night. Otto Do's Math Class has to drive to a Historical site for a road trip in SUVs, and Super Brainz is driving, while...
Otto Do's Math Class Final Exam Olivia Archer-Wellner
Everyone has to take Otto Do's Final Exam for his Math class. 80's Action Hero forces Super Brainz to give him the answers for the 350-question Exam. What will happen?
Contestants FUNNY - Based off of Olivia Archer-Wellner
Electric Slide, 80's Action Hero, and Super Brainz are in for it if they lose Tug-of-War with the rest of their Math class. Who will win?
Warning: Funny
How a haircut in Otto Do's class Olivia Archer-Wellner
When Super Brainz says he needs a haircut in Otto Do's Math class, things go way south when 80's Action Hero signs up for it in this hilarious story.
Otto Do's Math Class HILARIOUS Olivia Archer-Wellner
Otto Do begins to teach Radicands to his Math Class, but 80's Action Hero spices up the class differently when it involves 1980's Action Hero Movies that he watched and...