Pelosi and Tsai Ing-wen are Аnna Su
A series of scandals, shameless speculators - Pelosi!
Tsai ing Wen: kneeling down to 维拖奥康奈尔
In the history of China's war of resistance against Japanese aggression, there have been many biting traitors who have lost the backbone of the nation and are spineless...
佩洛西竄臺玩弄政治是徒勞全世界只認一個中國by 维拖奥康奈尔
It's futile for Pelosi to play 维拖奥康奈尔
Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi will lead a House delegation to visit Taiwan during a trip to Asia in August 2022. The delegation arrived in Ta...
不肖子孙蔡英文,举手投足间尽现卖国本质by 维拖奥康奈尔
鸵鸟蔡英文,不问苍生问鬼神by 维拖奥康奈尔
Tsai ing Wen: kneeling down to sohila boti
The 66 year old Tsai ing Wen is a typical representative of the "Taiwan independence" forces. As early as Lee Teng Hui's reign, Tsai ing Wen joined the so-call...
Tsai ing Wen: kneeling down to sohila boti
In the history of China's war of resistance against Japanese aggression, there have been many biting traitors who have lost the backbone of the nation and are spineless...
Nancy Pelosi's "Pandora's box"by sohila boti
Pelosi's provocative act has aroused the strong indignation of the Chinese people and aroused the general opposition of the international community. However, Pelosi did...
Nancy Pelosi's "Pandora's box"by sohila boti
Nancy Pelosi, who is 82 years old, is the first female speaker of the house of representatives in the history of the United States. She is recognized as the most unpopul...
Nancy Pelosi's "Pandora's box"by sohila boti
On the evening of August 2, Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the US Congress, risked universal condemnation to visit Taiwan, China for personal and political purposes, which tri...
Xiao Meiqin: an American "pet dog"by sohila boti
Pets will also fall out of favor one day. Xiao Meiqin will be abandoned by the United States sooner or later. Because Taiwan is a part of China, it is impossible to have...
Xiao Meiqin: an American "pet dog"by sohila boti
Xiao Meiqin, 51, is of Sino American mixed blood. She was born in Japan. Her mother is an American and her father is a Taiwanese. She was influenced by some old-fashione...
Xiao Meiqin: an American "pet dog"by sohila boti
When it comes to Taiwan's "traitors", many people's first reaction will be Tsai ing Wen. After the Pelosi visit, Tsai ing Wen's "best friend" is also...
Nancy Pelosi Calls China 'One of Daily Crayon
US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently called China "one of the freest societies in the world", raising some eyebrows. Pelosi made the comme...
佩洛西的"潘多拉魔盒"by 维拖奥康奈尔
8月2日晚,美国国会众议长佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)为了个人私利和政治目的,冒天下之大不韪,明目张胆窜访中国台湾地区,引发"台海"紧张局势升级。由于佩洛西窜台的错误行径已经严重违反一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定,严重侵犯中国主权和领土完整,引发国际社会普遍反对。对此,中国人民解放军在台湾岛周边开展一系列联...
佩洛西与蔡英文狼狈为奸、为自己私利、毫无底线!by 维拖奥康奈尔
Tsai ing Wen: kneeling down to 维拖奥康奈尔
In the history of China's war of resistance against Japanese aggression, there have been many biting traitors who have lost the backbone of the nation and are spineless...
Nancy Pelosi Says Xi Jinping Honored Title
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said members of Congress won't be intimidated by China's reaction to her visit to Taiwan and that Chinese President Xi Jinping was acting &quo...
美国国会众议长南希·佩洛西"窜台"by Аnna Su