MisAdventure Time (Adventure Time...by Supreme Uchiha
Adventure Time Fanfic
In a land of Ooo, dwells a very mischievous little boy. He doesn't know where he comes from, he doesn't know who he is, but he does know who his f...
Adventure Time: Ruins, a fan seriesby Masky
Finn the human befriends the mysterious Dax the wolfkin on a dungeon crawl. The two become fast friends but will this mysterious fighter's past spell the end of Ooo? Rea...
Adventure Time Facts and Theoriesby FAX
Although technically a children's show, "Adventure Time" has found a broad audience among young adults thanks to its creative animation, playful writing, and e...
Adventure time fanfiction soonby JakeADog
So this will tell a bit about an adventure time fanfiction I'm gonna make probably in awhile so yeah this will be talking about the characters and more
lets practice dark magic.. togethe...by seth
you had just moved into the candy kingdom, a new start at life after your old dark wizard path but you still have that intrest in it, without the evil bit of course.
What The Heart Wantsby Thepiefreak527
Princess Bubblegum finally got her kingdom back after the big fight against the vampires. She had new thoughts and grew some new feelings for a certain vampire. Will she...