Phoenixmiraculous Stories

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5 Stories

Miraculous: Tales of Scarlet and Phantom (Book 1) by ItzAnneYT
Miraculous: Tales of Scarlet and Itz_Anne YT
Celine is a bright young teenage girl from a rich family, who loves ballet, singing, drawing, and more! While Arthur is a cold distant boy, and the eldest son of a famou...
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Miraculous: Tales of the Miraculous Heroes by goldheart48
Miraculous: Tales of the Goldheart48
Odette and Adrien have been friends since they were kids. Then, once they got older, their bond grew stronger and stronger. When the inhabitants of Paris begin to turn i...
Miraculous: Tales of Scarlet and Phantom (Side Book 1) by ItzAnneYT
Miraculous: Tales of Scarlet and Itz_Anne YT
This book is about our character's daily life when they are not dealing with akumatized villains, some of this parts are inspired from Miraculous Secrets and Webisodes b...
The Wave and the Flame: Book 1 by avocado5583
The Wave and the Flame: Book 1by thehuntress
Note- Without original New York heroes Kwamis have existed since the beginning of the universe. Being abstract creatures, each kwami is formed whenever a new idea, conc...