Lovelessxxx Len's Birthdayby Allison Cox
Lovelessxxx, or his real name Loren Leeland, is having his birthday on January 20th.
Now with a 2023 chapter.
Pierretta's Birthdayby Cleopatra Yuki
Pierretta, or her real name Phoebe Riatta, is having her birthday on August 11th.
Now with a 2022 chapter.
Tolerance's Second Meeting With Allison Cox
Tolerance, or her real name Tessa Barnes, sees her friend Imitation Black again at the Negi Root Spring Festival.
This is a one-shot.
Lovelessxxx's Announcementby Allison Cox
Lovelessxxx has something to tell his girlfriend Pierretta and his friends Fate:Rebirth, Arrest Rose, Imitation Black, and Immoral Memory. How are they going to take thi...
Pierretta Meets Lovelessxxx's Allison Cox
Pierretta comes face-to-face with Lovelessxxx again. He introduces her to his friends Arrest Rose, Immoral Memory, Imitation Black, and Fate:Rebirth.
This is a one-shot.
Pierretta Meets Lovelessxxxby Allison Cox
Lovelessxxx's cat runs away and goes to the park. There it meets Pierretta. Lovelessxxx catches up with his cat and then the 2 modules meet for the first time. Is this t...