The First Ninjaby Writingrockstar316
More like first failure. Morro Wu died, fought the Ninja, helped them on the Day of the Departed and is now counted as part of the team. He's come far...but far from wh...

Unforgivenby Writingrockstar316
Book Four of the Rose Chronicles
They say that everything that stands tall in the light, casts a shadow. What happens when something is made in the shadows. When somethi...

The Island Princessby Writingrockstar316
Skylor Chen. As far as I can tell, half the Ninjago fandom hates her guts, the other half loves her and wants her more in the show. But hold on for a second, other than...

Black And White by Writingrockstar316
Book 3 of the Rose Chronicles
The Overlord is defeated, peace will stay in Ninjago forever....right? Willow and Lloyd rest up from their fight, the Ninja and Sensei try...