Poemsandstuff Stories

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7 Stories

Stuff... by Skyrockstar456
Stuff...by . .
Whatever happens, happens. It all depends on what I want to create. If I am having a bad day don't expect a happy poem...
Poems and stuff by hArm3d_Muff1n
Poems and stuffby emi rose
Poems and stuff that I made when I was bored -Author
Poems and Stuff by Wolf41676
Poems and Stuffby wolf41676
The title says it all minus the fact that I will write about anything. You name it I write it.
Poetry and stuff by ameliasdream2006
Poetry and stuffby Bone geek
If I know you and you know me don't read this or any of my poetry. I know that saying that will inevitably intrigue you into reading it, but please if I know you and you...