Pokémon Legacy's; "A Pokémon Train...by Crit
Ultimate Power, 100% Pokédex, Known As A Hero Who Stopped Team Galactic, And A Powerhouse Team Of Pokémon both top tier and Legendary.
I don't remember when I obtained t...
Pokèmon Legacy (Pokèmon Watty Awar...by SmaIsWriting
Sam Kenealy is a young Pokèmon Trainer who has just graduated from the Pokèmon Academy. As he sets out to collect the 8 Badges of the Kanto region, evil begins to stir a...
Pokémon Legacy 2: Beyond Good and...by SmaIsWriting
After defeating an evil warrior, Sam Kenealy and his friends left Kanto to train their battling abilities in Sinnoh. Now, one year later, they're back and ready to finis...