Animalia Kids by PetsPower
The world controlling monsters have almost taken over, with technology to see the use of the human race for them. Four kids that simply play a game similar to real life...
The last Powerkidsby authorofthefuture
In this story there is an underwater house the size of a huge island that holds ten children. Matthew, Max,, Lisa, Carla, Mary, Vixent, Timothy, Alice, Quinn, and Tina...
The Force of the Powerkidsby authorofthefuture
This is the third book to the Powerkids series. In this book the powerkids make plans to figure out the Taker's plan, and how many orbs he plans to get. Will the succeed...
The Rest of the Powerkidsby authorofthefuture
This is the second book in my series The Powerkids. We left off where Professor Tin was awakening the orbs. However in this book only a few orbs awaken. Those orbs join...
The Knowledge of the Powerkidsby authorofthefuture
This is the fourth book to the Powerkids series. In this book, the Powerkids want to tear apart the Taker's plan. I hope you like this book as much as the first, thanks!