First Valentine's Dayby Kapri13891Happy Valentine's Day!Completedbidensflotuspresidentbiden+9 more I doby Kapri18981Today I will constantly think about the beautiful bride, with gorgeous blonde feathered hair, in a delicate tea-length white dress and white sandals, who walked the alta...Completedlovepoliticalfirstladyjillbiden+11 more Blissby Kapri618212He doesn't remember feeling like this ever.Completedjilllovepotus+8 more Everythingby Kapri397131There's a love that's divine And it's yours and it's mine.Completedpotusjoeandjillbidenlove+8 more Kapri401131...she has always had him.Completedflotusjillbidenbidens+8 more Angel of mineby Kapri510121I have missed you.Completedbidenspoliticaljillbiden+8 more Love of my life. Life of my Kapri414111Until we meet again.Completedbidensjillpotus+8 more Yellowby Kapri308131A bouquet of bright yellow flowers.Completedpotuspresidentjoebidenjill+8 more