Title: Arranged Marriage to the Ro...by kia Lee
Princess Alryana Lallaina of Cambridge, known as Princess YN of England, is William and Kate's eldest daughter, born before their marriage. At 14 years old...
My One and Only ( part 4 )by tomhollandfan00
Y/n takes a trip to California and when you and your boyfriend come back you pick up Faith and go back to your royalty parents.
the scary alien 👽 storyby easy_princess123
This story is about zig who is an alien and is very scary.
The picture of zig is on the front cover
Read if you like horror and aliens
Diabolik lovers x Princess Yn of E...by Cutie0110
This is a story about how Yn princess of Ephidia meets the Sakamaki and Mukami brothers. How will they interact with the poor princess and how will Yui cope with the att...
I wish i didnt save you... sisterby i gotcha
So the story is about yn (you) and your sister (the details will be in chapter 0)
and tbh you save your sister but as you getting older you realised that she isnt nice...
Broken Royaltyby Liya
Katsuki bakugo x black reader
"There is darkness in life, and there is light. Katsuki, you are the brightest of lights. The light of all lights."