Numberjacks: The story of Numberja...by Lunabear
Title: The Story of Numberjack Three.
Numberjacks on mission: Three, Four, Five, Six, and Seven. (Eight and Nine are also in the story)
Meanie(s): Spooky Spoon, Puzzler...
Numberjacks: Numbermemes!by ruby
The Numberjacks transformed Into the Numbermemes! With trollface, smoke weed and more, they try to stop the meanies!
Just your problem | Problem Blob x...by Lucifer
When Nine is sent out on a mission and loses connection to the other numbers, she is all alone against the world until the others can find her. But while she's there, sh...
Christmas Classic: Jingle Yellsby Genre Productions
It's Christmas Eve and the Classics and the Little Ones are preparing for Christmas Day! But on the night of Christmas Eve, the Meanies have their eyes on the Chaos Emer...
LetterJacks: The Animated Seriesby JosephOnboRad
In a parrallel universe, where the numberjacks don't exist, The meanies are still here. But not to fear! The letterjacks are here! Imagine numberjacks but they are lette...