The Shadows of Ravenswood Mansionby Izen Lark
"In the heart of an ancient city lies the mysterious Ravenswood Mansion, abandoned for centuries and rumored to be cursed. When a group of adventurous friends decid...
Enigma Unveiled: City of Secretsby Alice
A captivating crime novel that follows Detective Sarah Thompson's tireless pursuit to unravel the perplexing puzzle behind the disappearance of esteemed scientist Dr. Jo...
Kyoto's Hidden Secretsby Sara
In the heart of Kyoto, amidst the tranquil charm of Café Sakura, aspiring writer Aiko Tanaka stumbles upon a series of mysterious letters hinting at a hidden treasure an...
Echoes of the Forgottenby FlatThetime
"Echoes of the Forgotten" is a story about a young woman named Lily who discovers a mysterious journal in her grandmother's attic. As she reads through the jou...
The Forgotten Keyby Lilly Miller
"The Forgotten Key" is an epic adventure novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey through ancient civilizations, time manipulation, and the battle betwe...