Luminous Chronicles: Echoes of Ete...by Albert-king Chukwutoom
In a universe where magic and technology converge on the world of Aeloria, a tale of boundless love, courage, and the struggle for freedom unfolds. "Luminous Chroni...
The Testament of Lukarby Rowan Drake
In a world defined by hierarchy and hardship, Lukar, a young boy from the coastal village of Anodis, is thrust into the grueling life of a slave. Lord Nadik's unexpected...
Curse Of The Talentedby Moyanah Otukile
In the realm of Eldoria, a land of magic and enchantment, a peaceful village thrived. But beneath its idyllic facade, a hidden curse cast a dark shadow. Unbekn...
The King's Obsessionby DreamingWriter
This portrait depicts a cute Korean king in traditional royal attire. His youthful and soft features are complemented by a kind expression, giving him a gentle and appro...