Glimpse of Friendship: Shadows and...by Dia
It is an intriguing narrative about a family event with a surprising twist involving Mishka and her new friend Siona. The story revolves around perceptions, misunderstan...
I will do anything to sit under yo...by Uwem Umana
Sgt. Mark has returned from a military duty in Iraq. He is in search of his former teacher Monsieur Trevor. He believes that Mr. Trevor has the keys to the questions and...
Elil and new lifeby Whisper_of_the_wind
"Having a cat nearby makes everything special... even loneliness."
А young, inexperienced cat falls under the wheels of a car and dies. Waking up, she meets De...
An Imprisoned Visionby ScrittoPluviam
Gianni's POV
When I was a kid, I am always that enthusiastic girl specifically when it comes to academics. I am always that kid who can stay at a room spending most of m...
Let's try Rupeshby Uwem Umana
Patricia has refused to pay her rent for two years now and her landlord, Tinashe has tried everything possible within the legal framework to eject her from his property...
I Wonder.....by Sanjhpreet Kaur
"I wonder...." is a rhetoric based on trying to find the realities of the world. Trying to understand the reasons behind the basic realities. It's an emotion...
I will do anything to sit under yo...by Uwem Umana
Sgt. Mark has returned from a military duty in Iraq. He is in search of his former teacher Monsieur Trevor. He believes that Mr. Trevor has the keys to the questions and...