The Incarnation of Chaos: The Tale...by Velzoyr Nova
"Satoru Mikami" was a middle aged Japanese salaryman working as a general contractor. After death, he reincarnated not as a Slime but.......as a True Dragon!!
Izuku Tempestby JosephAmbrose
In this story izuku has a twin sister named Izumi but this isn't an izuku yagi story, they are both midoriya's and there is even an obsessed with inko all might, one day...
That Time Rimuru Got Reincarnated...by Velzard
The story goes the same as the original but Rimuru, instead of getting reincarnated as a slime, got reincarnated as a fox instead.
Though, if he acquired a human form he...
Love beyond Worlds: Interdimention...by kai.wolf
Satoru Mikami, 26 years old, male, a technology expert, invented a device?
What is the device capable of doing?
Ship: Rimuru × Velgrynd