The Son of Zeus/Kami: The Crowned...by TheholyoneIbara2
Izuku Midoriya also known as "Deku" is the son of Zeus or Kami ( Also known as Hisashi Midoriya), and Queen Hera( also known as Inko Shimura) of Greece, is the...
the life of the fox hero izuku ( i...by XxdeathxX29
i have seen a lot on my hero academia fanics so i thought why not
in this story . all students on UA except a select few are females . and endevour is a good father to h...
Izuku Tempestby JosephAmbrose
In this story izuku has a twin sister named Izumi but this isn't an izuku yagi story, they are both midoriya's and there is even an obsessed with inko all might, one day...
Phoenix of Class B (Slow Updates)by Peterpotter07
Life can be a cruel thing. That was something One Izuku Midoriya learned from an early age. Living as a quirkless person in a world where 80% of the population had some...
Izuku The Demon Slayerby JosephAmbrose
Izuku gets teleported into the demon slayer world one day and the rest of class 1A and others try to bring him back but because of certain incidents like fighting muzan...
izuku the reincarnation of jotaro...by Ziaur Tuhin
this a sequel to mind vs might!a villain deku fanfic but izuku takes the swan dive but what happens if that dive gave izuku a power beyond the power of quirks 'star pla...