Title: Arranged Marriage to the Ro...by kia Lee
Princess Alryana Lallaina of Cambridge, known as Princess YN of England, is William and Kate's eldest daughter, born before their marriage. At 14 years old...
Royal Destiny: The Forced Union of...by kia Lee
Title: Royal Destiny: The Forced Union of Princess Leonor and Princess Catalina
In this captivating royal drama, two heirs to thrones are brought together b...
Title: "Royal Reversal: The Reign...by kia Lee
Title: "Royal Reversal: The Reign of Crown Prince Harry"
Description: Follow along as Prince Harry of Duke Sussex, known as the spare and second-born, finds hi...
Little Boy In Loveby kip Chirchir
This story is contains adalt content and therefore not be suitable for readers under the age of 16.
... Our nunny.. She was a girl older than me and she was beautiful an...
Royal Destinyby Legend Maker
Diona Basil is a young girl that lives on a barn with her family. Then, one day, she wakes up in a world that is not her own. Where is she? How did she get there? And mo...