A Story of Ice Cream and Fire (Neo...by Christopher Umbra
Set in the normal world where no Grimm exists. (y/n) gets a blast from the past and a certain someone doesn't like it one bit.
Ice cream Love (Neo x oc)by Sidraan Taigruth
Neo always thought that the one she loved was Roman, her boss. That all changed when she met someone from Beacon
Infiltrationby Furath
Neo is back, and with a mission! Joining Beacon Academy as a student, she is tasked with finding out the skeletons in the closet of Beacon Academy. However, her task pro...
Rwby: Neo Fan Fictionby Justin Neyhard
A short backstory of Neo. I'm still pretty new to all this so if its a little rough bare with me. Feedback of any kind is greatly appreciated!