The Mysterious Adventures of Mango...by Solairelights
Mysterious Adventures of Mangokiwi, consisting on many memes and displeasure.
Sassy Pencilby bing
It's my OC as sassy JASON. Much sass, such funny? I guess? If I get m 100 likes, I'll make a backstory on OA- obsessed aiden
Is this happening? ( trueMU into g...by ReD/RuBy
A one of a kind fanfic, trueMU is a girl!?!?
Displeased Adam's BALLSby Displeased Adam
Feel the displeased...
My Stupid Crap :Dby MOVED :D
This Is The First Ever Real Thing I'm Going To Do Right Now xD So bare with Me as I will make some books :) So Just Sit Back Enjoy The Fun And Get Updates and Shizzle :3
The Void of My Mindby British Kiwi
You there! Yes you, wait.... No not you, the guy to you're left... Nope, farther, a liiiiiitle farther... YES YOU!
Do you like randomness and a boring life?! Oh you don'...