The Philippines Ranked as Third Ha...by Kyle Aquino
It is a well-known fact that the Filipino people, together with its beloved homeland, went through several bleak circumstances the past year. With the rampant war on dru...
Brand New Workplace Rules for Smal...by celina borromeo
The ever-changing environment of the market pushed the majority to implement new strategies in doing business which resulted to a new set of workplace rules for SMB owne...
Forming Bonds: The Art of Networki...by Kyle Aquino
An average person would spend one third of his/her life working and within that period, they would meet a hundred to a thousand of professionals through meetings, confer...
The Wonders of Contemplation and 1...by Trixia Kim
Over the recent years, the need for creativity in several jobs have increased. No matter the industry or task - whether you are trying to pacify conflicting stakeholder...
Keeping Your Best Employees with C...by Kyle Aquino
Admittedly, it's hard to find good help amidst a sea of people and when we find them, we want to keep them around for as long as we could.
The Sharing Economy and its Effect...by celina borromeo
Spearheaded by Uber and AirBnB, the sharing economy is innovating the way people consume products and services. Slowly but surely, it's also changing the market of offic...
Robots or Humans? Predicting the F...by Trixia Kim
As scary as it sounds, technology is slowly replacing jobs - frankly speaking, those who are holding these jobs are now slowly being replaced by robots.
The Truth Behind Freelancing and G...by celina borromeo
Freelancing, having the freedom to work whenever you want and wherever you want.
Understanding Serendipity, a Fortu...by celina borromeo
The very idea of a greater force stringing together unplanned, independent circumstances and situations to bring something great sounds a lot like fairytale to most of u...
The Philippines Ranked as Third Ha...by
It is a well-known fact that the Filipino people, together with its beloved homeland, went through several bleak circumstances the past year. With the rampant war on dru...
The Ideal Alternative: How Seat Le...by
Today, the BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) sector is among the fastest-growing and most successful industries in the country, and it is said to be the powerful force...
The Benefits of Rotating Office Se...by Kyle Aquino
Whenever offices are reorganized, most workers view the process as nothing else but a nuisance interrupting their daily work and for what exactly? They're not really sur...
Wonder Women: How Ladies Are Chang...by Kyle Aquino
The youngest demographic of today's workforce - the Millennials - have brought a ton of change in the world of business. From the way we do business and even our work ar...
A Breath of Fresh Air: Diversifyin...by niel sahurds
2017 played quite the significant role for South Korean pop or K-pop culture. In the aforementioned year, what once was a hidden safe haven became a major driver of glob...
Three Steps to Help Accelerate You...by Kyle Aquino
Each of us have once experienced a rough transition towards a new chapter of our life. When we reached our teenage years, we ventured out of our comfort zones in attempt...
Call Center Productivity & Flexibl...by
At this day and age, we have learned to acknowledge the fact that good design has enough power to influence the way we think and behave. And as today's call center busin...
Why You Should Spend More Time Sta...by celina borromeo
Staring out of the window is not a mere act of ennui, but instead, it stands as a form of divergence from the excessive demands of pressure.
A Golden Opportunity: Meeting Room...by Kyle Aquino
On a normal basis, large gatherings and conferences are usually held in meeting rooms within high-end hotel rooms but in the presence of serviced offices, this tradition...