Fish Food by FeedYouFoxy
Fletcher the shark dog goes out to catch a fishy snack, little does he know he's about to become fish food himself...
Matryoshka Vore
I wrote this while in Florida on va...
A True Love Story (DeMax)by demax_lover
Dennis and Max from Sharkdog never knew the sercet feelings they had for eachother until now! 😍😘🤩☺😎😗😆🤣😯😥😮😏😏😏
Chapter #24 If it looks like a kid...by Kyle Canady
Vincent and Wraith escape from the Vailstone kingdom with princess Alisha to take her safely away, but to someone else it could look like a kidnapping. Perhaps the three...
Chapter #30 Layersby Kyle Canady
Last we left off with our Vailstone princess in the woods at a camp with a gypsy and the rest of her group. A start to a new day. As Alisha tries to learn more about the...