We don't know what's out thereby CarterRogers02
Stiles can't sleep, and if he told enough people that was all it was, maybe he would start to believe it. Still, as tensions were rising about them losing their territor...

Accidental Amnesia Amnestyby CarterRogers02
Who the hell is this kid? What are all these tubes doing he should've hea- Why wasn't he healing!?
His panic was cut off by two people barging in the door. Shit cops.

Welcome To The Jungleby CarterRogers02
I walk into the club like, "What up? This writer is bad at bios!"
For sterek bingo 2020. I used the tags nightclub, matchmaking, and wedding.

Making Friends Is Easy As Pieby CarterRogers02
The bitch makes pie. And Peter and Derek did a different kind of baking.
For sterek bingo. I used the tags childhood friends, baking, and a little bit of petnames.

It's snow not my fault!by CarterRogers02
In hindsight they wouldn't have messed with magic they didn't understand, in two hours ago sight how cool would a talking snowman be?!?!
I'd like to state that this star...