Chapter 2: That one boy Stevenby Stevenfanfictions
"I'm so sorry ! I should've payed attention ! Sorry it's cuz-" the boy interrupted .
"It's okay don't worry , it my fault " he said . "Are u new...

Chapter 6: He likes me❤️by Stevenfanfictions
I said "Steven I think this is too far ..I don't know why I said that."
"You said that for a reason cuz you like me .. So .. I like you." He said.

Chapter 3: is Steven famous?by Stevenfanfictions
I went inside and went to my room which was up stairs . I went inside my room all happy . Am I in love with Steven ? I don't even know him like a lot . I just barley kn...

help ; s.fby kiddxxo
In which a girl needs help to escape the man who kidnapped her will Steven Fernandez find away to help her and maybe fall in love while doing it ?

Chapter 4: He's w/ another girlby Stevenfanfictions
(Next day) it was a Tuesday morning . I went downstairs to eat some breakfast . When i was done eating breakfast I went outside to skate for a while. I saw In & Out so...

Chapter 5: Steven is the guy that...by Stevenfanfictions
"It's okay .. Why are you calling me beautiful?" I replied .
He replied "because your actually beautiful and I mean that