Stunguns Stories

35 Stories

Pink Rhinestone DZS 10 Million Volt Self Defense Bling Stun Gun by marykevinusa
Pink Rhinestone DZS 10 Million Mary Kevin
This gorgeous pink bling rhinestone stun gun if perfect for safety minded fashionista. The beauty measures 4 x 2.25 x 1 Inches and comes with a convenient nylon case wit...
What Are The Best Weapons To Carry For Self Defense? by jairusnadab
What Are The Best Weapons To
No matter how fearless a man claims to be, the truth is that we all harbor a sense of unease whenever an attack appears, no matter how small. This can be related to terr...
Product Review Defensive Knuckles stun gun by marykevinusa
Product Review Defensive Mary Kevin
Being a multipurpose self-defense tool that combines the efficiency of a stun gun with the usefulness of knuckle dusters, the Defensive Knuckles stun gun stands out. Its...
Small And Trendy Self Defense Weapons For Women by mariazoe594
Small And Trendy Self Defense Maria Zoe
The safety of your personal property is a priority no matter what you're doing - walking to your car, jogging or staying at home alone. You've probably heard a long list...
Stun Guns are Popular Because They are Safe and Reliable! by jairusnadab
Stun Guns are Popular Because
First up are stun guns, also called "electroshock weapons" or "conducted electrical devices" (CEDs). They deliver an electric current through dart el...
Can Someone be Seriously Hurt by Stun Guns? by zarasophia535
Can Someone be Seriously Hurt by Zara Sophia
Electric stun guns have been used for more than 30 years in Europe, but the United States has only recently become aware of them.
What Are the Varieties of Stun Guns Available in the Market? by jairusnadab
What Are the Varieties of Stun
In a nutshell, stun guns are devices that emit an electrical charge in order to incapacitate the victim. The amount of voltage and amperage a given stun weapon is capabl...
Stun Guns Have Varying Effects On Different People by mariazoe594
Stun Guns Have Varying Effects Maria Zoe
A stun gun, or Taser for short, is a non-lethal weapon that temporarily disables someone by emitting an electrical shock. They are used as self-defense weapons and law e...
Stun Guns: Do They Work Effectively As a Defense Tool? by mariazoe594
Stun Guns: Do They Work Maria Zoe
A stun gun, also known as an electric weapon (or taser), emits an electric current via two probes which deliver an incapacitating shock which causes momentary muscle wea...
Self Defense Weapons For Women To Secure Their Lives by zarasophia535
Self Defense Weapons For Women Zara Sophia
As a result of their vulnerability to random attacks, women have been targeted by attackers more frequently than men. It's important for women to have survival tools and...
Types of Stun Guns: Each Has Its Own Unique Functions by zarasophia535
Types of Stun Guns: Each Has Its Zara Sophia
A stun gun (also known as a taser or a "less-lethal weapon") is an electroshock device that discharges high-voltage, low-amperage electric pulses intended to t...