Fate (Andrew Taggart, The Chainsma...by Alysonn Grey
Lynn was always a girl who didn't believe in fate or that your story was written in stone. She was a savage, she never listen to what people had to say and never payed m...
Nakahashiby NocturnalAngel95
When a power outburst causes an explosion during a concert, Michael Clifford miraculously survives and finds he's developed strange abilities. But why did this power out...
Cookoffby Audrey Baxter
This is another Harris Burdick story that is based off the story: Just Dessert. Again it is pretty short.
Setting Firesby wtfismusictho
A story in which a girl living in la and a world famous dj struggle with staying together through there various problems
Unexpected!!!by directioner8877
Ash living with her best friends Veronica were having a prefect life , without their parents , no complications but unexpected changes in their life occur , they found t...
Random Tidbitsby Krista
Random pieces that I write for class or my own amusement. Some I'd like to continue, so vote and comment for your favorites please!