°•★[ ¡Sun × Moon! ]★•°by [Mo̶o̶n~★]2.2K597Yaaaayyyy....tagssssstagsssssstagss+9 more Random stufby Midnight_moon2478372119Renamed at: 02/19/2021 Random stuff I see comes here-randomsodahumanizedtagssssss+10 more What the heckity hecklingby (MOVED)2341got tagggggggeeeeeddddsufferepictagssssss Random diary thing yeahby lexa68713My life is boring but you should read this cause I try (the cover is my mom and me. Me on the right and her on the left cause she's cool AF)tagsssssssleepingwithsirensrandom+4 more BILLDIP THE STORY OF LIFEby Tigerlilly27688this is shitCompletedlawlboyxboygravityfalls+5 more