#1TDFI - "Are You Smarter Than A 5th...by tdf_productions201S1E19Completedtdftdfi #2TDFI - "Queens Down Underwater"by tdf_productions301S1E7Completedtdftdfi #3TDFI - "Wolf In Sheep's Clothing"by tdf_productions901S1E16Completedtdftdfi #4TDFI - "The Legend of ManBearPig"by tdf_productions301S1E3Completedtdftdfi #5TDFI - "The Beginning Of The Rest...by tdf_productions2202S1E1Completedtdftdfi #6TDFI - "Paintball's Coming Home"by tdf_productions511S1E4Completedtdftdfi #7TDFI - "Bull, Vivienne! Bull"by tdf_productions301S1E10Completedtdftdfi #8TDFI - "Duel Of The Fates"by tdf_productions401S1E14Completedtdftdfi #9TDFI - "Not Sahari About It"by tdf_productions601S1E6Completedtdftdfi #10TDFI - "The Urge To Merge"by tdf_productions301S1E12Completedtdftdfi #11TDFI - "The Final Staredown"by tdf_productions1102S1E22Completedtdftdfi #12TDFI - "Elephant In The Room"by tdf_productions501S1E13Completedtdftdfi #13TDFI - "Gender Is A War"by tdf_productions401S1E20Completedtdftdfi #14TDFI - "Scoop Up The Race"by tdf_productions501S1E11Completedtdftdfi #15TDFI - "Emu Set Free"by tdf_productions301S1E18Completedtdftdfi #16TDFI - "Queens Here, Queens There...by tdf_productions501S1E9Completedtdftdfi #17TDFI - "Bitches Better Be Wary"by tdf_productions701S1E8Completedtdftdfi #18TDFI - "There's Always Time For A...by tdf_productions501S1E23Completedtdftdfi #19TDFI - "You Can't Spell CUNT Witho...by tdf_productions301S1E5Completedtdftdfi #20TDFI - "The Beginning Of The Rest...by tdf_productions601S1E2Completedtdftdfi