#1My Journey to My Custom Worldby Ultra XGamer2076Info Story This is how I'm going to relaunch my life in a custom world in a custom AU.Completedthefkzfcrew #2Skye's Mission Depressionby Ultra XGamer3411Paw Patrol Movie StoryCompletedthefkzfcrew #3Chase and Skye Cute Momentby Ultra XGamer2811Paw Patrol StoryCompletedchasexskyepawpatrolthefkzfcrew #4Just another battle against Eggmanby Ultra XGamer711Sonic Boom StoryCompletedsonicboomthefkzfcrew #5Kyle's Day at his New Home Planetby Ultra XGamer311The Adventures of The FKZF CrewCompletedthefkzfcrew