The Adventures of Jules the Hedgeh...by MCRusty06
Jules Quill Hedgehog is a young lost prince hedgehog who was raised by the Echidna after his parents died and was born with great powers unknown to even the echidna. Wi...
The Legend of Kirito, the Beater...by MCRusty06
Yuuki, aka Zekken, ALO's strongest player, has been beginning to think that Kirito's been holding back on her in their first duel. She asks Kirito for a rematch, howeve...
Merlin: Season Sixby Annabelle
Have you ever wondered what happened after season five of the hit TV show, "Merlin"? Me too. If I couldn't get a season six, I would make the ending up myself...
The Legend of the Berserker Magusby Markus Milliano
After an experiment went wrong, Max was reborn in another world where mastery of magic is power - a place of brutality, terror and endless grief. Will he succumb to the...
Creepypasta and linked universe cr...by Redmoon_link_evil
Warning: this will have ship that you don't like read in your own risk, and it have a lot of curse words this was made by me and my sis @gay Zelda