Eleutheromania II A Five Hargreeve...by Lully
In a new timeline, where Reginald Hargreeves has adopted eight kids instead of seven. The Umbrella Academy faces the Sparrows.
Five slowly falls for number eight as he...
Alone Together - Fem OC x Five Ha...by Periwinkle
"Will you promise me something?" Five asked. I looked at him. "Promise me that if either of us are alone again, we'll be alone together."
I'm Yours Unintentionally (Five ha...by Fives Gf🫶🏼
A Five Hargreeves story where the umbrellas come back to 2019 but what happens when he sees the so-called sparrows and what happens when he meets his first love (Vanessa...
the unusual kids Umbrella Academy by ginger nolan
this all started because of my great friend madi, who wanted a ben imagine so THANKS MADI