The Docks (a Once Upon A Time Fan...by Wendy
A Once Upon A Time Fan Fiction: A thirteen year old girl is mysteriously found unconscious at the docks in Storybrooke. Together Emma, Snow White, and David work togethe...
Trust A Consignment Store to Make...by Cultural Cuba
So, you are ready to move to a new place and want to buy everything new for your new home. You must be very excited. But, what you will do with the old furniture and hou...
George's New Old Bootsby Jeremy Garner
George's old football boots finally gave up the ghost. His new old pair are comfortable, old-fashioned and, above all, cheap.
But maybe, just maybe, there's more to the...
Thrift Shoppingby Nat :)
Sarah Fell has grown up and moved away from the small town that she grew up in, leaving behind the diners and thrift shops, and let herself be led by ambition. She has A...
Sad, Beautiful, Tragicby elizabethx3
One shot, short story about fate and how it can change a life.
Troy's Amuletby Evie
When 15 year old, Avalon Smithe is accused of conspiracy against the government and mind control for possessing a powerful amulet, she is immediately arrested. Now, bein...
Box of Confessionsby Ty Wooley
A curious collector of old, forgotten objects stumbles upon a mysterious box of cassette tapes in a dusty thrift shop. Intrigued by the intimate labels on each tape, the...