The Genesis 6 Oracle: The Birth of...by Eli-of-Kittim
Genesis 6 is a prophecy about the birth of the gods at the end of days, namely, Christ and Antichrist!
Six Mysterious Places That Defy th...by Adam Leon
A short work discussing six reported locations around the world that claim to violate known laws of physics or display impossible-to-explain borderline supernatural qual...
Intrigue Of The Unseenby Shubashri Dhamodaraswamy
"Intrigue of the Unseen" follows Kev's journey into a world shrouded in mystery. When his Pop, a former UAP researcher, reveals a history of encounters with ex...
Vespidianismby My The Mes
A very old concept in nature that is the definition of society. A tiny insect with brains smaller than grains of sand grasp all the fundamental concepts of systems and n...