Are the Four Living Creatures of R...by Eli-of-Kittim
There's no Biblical evidence that God created any other alien life-forms. God's plan of redemption is exclusively for human beings. The entire universe will be destroyed...
The Genesis Flood Narrative & Bibl...by Eli-of-Kittim
Taking the Bible literally can lead to unrealistic and outrageous conclusions. It's important to stress that a refutation of the historical flood narrative is not a refu...
The Genesis 6 Oracle: The Birth of...by Eli-of-Kittim
Genesis 6 is a prophecy about the birth of the gods at the end of days, namely, Christ and Antichrist!
Is Open Theism Biblical?by Eli-of-Kittim
Open Theism challenges the classical Christian view of God's foreknowledge by claiming that God may not really know the future exhaustively.
Is the Rapture Pre-Trib or Post-Tr...by Eli-of-Kittim
A work on Bible exegesis that clearly demonstrates the soundness of the post-tribulational position.
Jesus Revealed: In the End Timesby Eli-of-Kittim
The New Testament epistles tell us that Jesus will be born in the end-times (Galatians 4:4; Ephesians 1:10; Revelation 12:5). Jesus is said to die "once in the end...