Teen Titans: The Weather Hero (Rew...by Kaitou-Saikyou-Zeta
The Teen Titans, a group of young heroes who have been watching over the Jump City, and the protect it from any evil that trying to take over the city. While they are ha...
Fake Villainessby keith.kogane
Since I've become trapped in this historical romance story, I must act my par as the side character. Maybe I can escape my fate and go back to my world. If completion me...
Villain Simulator (Bakudeku)by Nico Differ
Bakugou and Midoriya have been dating for a month now, and everyone seems to be fine with it. That is, until Izuku is framed for assault and murder. Now a villain, Deku...
The Villain Who Is Right.by Shaz
My name is Flynn Fowler and I lived in a run-down town.
and later found out who my real father is...
Laughing GASby Ryry
a villain rehab for a girl who dosent know her age. scared of needles and does not like physical communication due to her past...