WiFi jammer protects personal info...by zhao zhen
Portable gadgets make our lives easier, but did you know that they can sometimes be dangerous? That's why we want to show you the top five mobile gadgets that can be use...

sgnal jammersby zhao zhen
Signal jammer is one device that can blocks signal transmission and receptionl, usually used to jam the same frequency range formed by the handset. It is designed to hel...

portable cell phone jammer blockerby jammerzn
I don't think ordinary families can block radio waves (electromagnetic waves) in their everyday environment. It should be noted that we can consult manufacturers and tel...

GPS干扰器阻止跟踪设备by zhao zhen
In this highly developed world, work is busy every day, and there is almost no time to enjoy leisure and enjoy the beautiful scenery outside. Even when I have time, I ha...

Cut signal in cell phone jammer co...by zhao zhen
As previously seen in other tests, the jammer "covers" the target signal to cut off communication on that frequency. Therefore, the mobile phone jammers studie...