"Whispers of the Heart" is a heartfelt tale of friendship, love, and resilience. Hanni and Minji navigate the complexities of their emotions, supported by thei...
lost memories by Sedarzstoriez
this story is about a boy that lost all his memories and now he has to go throw ADVENTER HOROR LIG AND RISK dun dut dunnn
Whispers of the Heart: The Enigmat...by artresunoo
Two highschool friends, Zephyr and Sage, shared a bond that seemed unbreakable. Their friendship blossomed into a deep and unspoken love, but fate had other plans. A mys...
AVELI: Book Of All History by Tantalumus Vester Orechard
It's a sci-fi/historical story of the world being a vast and fertile planet to a being with a heart and a soul.
Is he worth it?by happy-nobody
~Prologue~ Ellina was one of those popular bitchy girls as usual , the captain from the cheerleader squat that every single guy was dieying for.She had such a easy life...