Eternal Love: The Goenka Legacy ✅by Serra
This heartwarming tale follows the Goenka family, where Kartik and Naira's love story continues with the addition of their children, Kairav and Akshara. As they navigate...
Whispers of Destiny: Unveiling Hea...by Serra
"Whispers of Destiny: Unveiling Hearts" follows the poignant journey of Akshara, burdened by the blame of a tragic past, as she navigates through loss, love, a...
pyaar chup chup ke by shivinnikaah
Kartik and naira after confessing their love for each other decide not to tell the families about the same for some time and hence they meet n love each other without l...
Falling For Him ~ Abhira Fanficby .
Falling for him 🦋 • ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟ ꜰᴀɴꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ •ᴀʙʜɪʀᴀ •ɴᴇɪʀᴏʜɪ •ᴋᴀɪꜱʜᴀ ~ ' FRIENDSHIP
"I never thought we would end up this way"
It was unbelievable for me, I was...
Happy Birthday Dear Shefaliby goenkas.
We wish you a happy birthday dear ishi aka shefali. May you have a wonderful year ahead and may God shower his blessings on you today and always. Once again a very happy...