ප්රේමය වෙනුවෙන් කැප කළෙමි by yash-SY
තමන්ට ප්රේමය කල අහිංසක සිත් නොකඩන්න ... එසේ වුවහොත් ඔබට පසුකාලීනව පසුතැවෙන්නට වේවී ...
one and one becomes eleven by jasmine kashyap
it's a morden yizan ff
all the cadet of characters and pick, video and songs are delong to their original creator
top yibo
bottom zan
in this ff you will see love...
Don't Let Me Downby WangLucifer
*Present Time FF*
"I'm freeing you Lan Wangji. I was just playing with you. I was just killing my time. Now I'm done so I'm breaking up with you. Don't ever com...