The Child With A Stand In A Gaming_makima_bean5531Says in the fudging titlejojozahandoocstory+3 more (Abused and Neglected)Male bruhbruh10o19.2K18613It's just like it sounds you and Jotaro sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.Gjjbastandfemjotaro+3 more -☆ [ Josuke X Reader ] ☆-by bobby2.1K825"you're not supposed to kiss someone you just met, okay!" HEAVY EDITINGstandjosukezawardu+8 more Jojo Shitpostsby Gagngag42436not really 👁👄👁👀👀👀risdopdiobrandostarplatinum+5 more Ask Za Handoby Za-Hando16852Yesthehandzahando My Hero Academia x OCby oskr6011BNHA does not belong to me All of the art also Enjoybrownhairzahandoblueeyes+4 more