A High School Sci-Fi Gender Bender Adventure. The story of Ronin Kassius, a male 1st year high school student living on the colonized world of Teloria, who finds himself an unwilling participant in the Gun Princess Royale championship, where competitors known as Gun Princesses battle for the title of Gun Queen, and the right to compete for the vaunted rank of Gun Empress. It is said there is no point crying over spilt milk, but for Ronin Kassius living on the terraformed world of Teloria, his decision to help out the Cosplay Club during his third year of middle school at Telos Academy in the city-state of Ar Telica is one he fervently regrets. Cross-playing as the popular animated heroine, Princess Silver Blue, garnered him a legion of ardent fans misled to believe he is a girl and not a boy because of his overtly feminine appearance. But a year later and now in high school, Ronin's daily life descends into a waking nightmare as his school reputation lies in tatters after his cross-playing is revealed on social media. To make matters worse, a near death experience playing a virtual reality shooter at a gaming arcade leaves him questioning his sanity and very existence. With the help of his classmates, Ronin embarks on a journey to uncover the truth behind the recent events, and soon learns he has been chosen by of a powerful family to represent their interests by competing in the Gun Princess Royale, an all-too realistic and overly popular VR championship where players with corporate sponsorship wield Gun Princess avatars in battle. However he'll be participating as a girl called Mirai, an existence that comes with her own unique set of problems, and soon learns there is nothing virtual about the brutal and bloody competition. Note: Introduction and Chapter 1 posted here as per Amazon KDP restrictions. Complete novel is available on Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XFMJY7C Draft of Book Two is currently being serialized on Wattpad.