No Face Man-Chapter one: Too Young to Understand
  • přečtení 132
  • Hlasy 6
  • Části 1
  • Čas 9m
  • přečtení 132
  • Hlasy 6
  • Části 1
  • Čas 9m
Průběžné, poprvé publikováno pro 19, 2013
Pro dospělé
Jason and Cadence are two teenagers madly and genuinely in love. But who loved Cadence before, and could he come back to snatch her away? In this sexy, chilling thriller, the one and only Slenderman has feelings and a whole new back story. Could his emotions overwhelm him and cause a massacre? What does Slendy want with Cadence, and why has he been stalking her since she was born? What does he want to turn her into? You will never guess.    *Please note, this contains sexual content and if you have a weak stomach, I advise you read something else. Lol*
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