@CUBEDTOFU @GREMLINOFMAY these wonderful people made this possible. Corndog-Chan is a beautiful high school student at Saint Relish University, she was raised to respect and obey others, and had excellent grades, but that all changed when she discovered she was pregnant, from something that happened two years ago, and doesn't know who the father is. She is now on a TV show called CornDog and Pregnant. She can't decide between the almost irresistible condiments that could be the father, but would be willing to do ANYTHING for them. Her father, Bread Sheering, the famous singer of corntry, is ready to disown her if she doesn't marry quickly. Her childhood best friend Kent-Chup, the fit pretty boy on the swim team. Dill, and Bill, the Siamese twins who have conflicting personalities but a love for the same Corndog. Must-Nerd, the shy but kindhearted IT student, with a dark past. 💖💖💖