"I don't want to use my power on these men. If I'm not careful, I may kill them. I can feel the energy now, pulsating through every nerve in my body, heightening my senses, granting me acute awareness of my surroundings. I could blast this energy from my axons to my dendrites to my synapses, out of my palm and send this man flying. I must control that desire. My body contains a great gift. But that gift came at a great price." Eighteen year old Daniel Gomez didn't ask for the incredible power that he holds in his hands. He didn't want ability to manipulate his central nervous system, and accelerate the processes of his whole body. He didn't want the ability to blast that neural energy straight from his fingertips. Thats because he didn't want the responsibility that comes with that power, the responsibility to avenge those he loves. This is the story of Daniels quest for vengeance against those who stripped him of everyone he loved. As that journey expands each chapter, Daniel learns that revenge is not so clear cut, and that there are consequences for every action. He learns far more about himself in this journey than he would have ever dreamed. Very soon Daniel will stumbles into a dangerous world much bigger than himself, one in which he must pave a respected spot for his alter ego, Axon.