What's the point of being married when your left to be all alone and lonely? It's always a different excuse each time he comes in odd hours of the night. He can never repeat that story he told you yesterday because he was to intoxicated to remember. He doesn't remember seeing or talking to you last night when the conversation that was shared constantly plays in your mind like a broken record. The needle breaks each time you hear " I love you ". He comes home sober one day and he fucks you good and tell you everything you want him too. When deep down you know your lonely and unhappy. Why stay? Because you love him and dedicated 6 years of your life to him. You read the messages and saw the pictures of his assistant Amber naked. You saw the ruby red lip stick on his Collar and the note in his pocket that said " Meet me for drinks at Dave's when she's asleep ". Your only fear is that if you leave him you'll be completely lonely. Even more lonely than you already are with him. He's not good for you, he's the poison in that glass of Paul Masson you keep drinking every night. You accept the loneliness to continue and instead of ending it you pretend it never happened. You pretend it's all in your head.