The loss was big
The times was sneaky harsh
The days seemed everlasting
The young, The elders none spared
The moms, The babies named after snakes
Then that was to be their death as well
The scars are the memories left behind
Подпишись, чтобы добавить BACK IN TIMES(ongoing) в свою библиотеку и получать обновления
The loss was big
The times was sneaky harsh
The days seemed everlasting
The young, The elders none spared
The moms, The babies named after snakes
Then that was to be their death as well
The scars are the memories left behind
__ ايتها الفتاة المنسيه التي لا يعلم عنها احد ،
هذه البلاد تسير بالقانون لا بالاستثنائات
__ مكانكَ هذا محرم عليه دخول الاناث وانا هنا ،
الا يعد هذا استثنائاً حضرة القائد ؟
ليلي سكوت
جيون جونكوك