"Thanos is revered now in death more than he ever was in life." Last Avenger follows Steve Rogers and Thor as they must reconcile their identity as Avengers with a radical, post-war era. -The following synopsis may contain spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War- It's been 50 years since Thanos was defeated by the Avengers and their allies, and the subsequent conclusion of the infinity war. But victory wasn't free, nor was it cheap: the toll of Thanos' crusade and the Snap was greater than the world as it was known could bare. After a little more than 20 years in Wakanda, Steve Rogers and Thor have settled in Long Beach, New Jersey, spending the following decades providing assistance to the neighbouring town of Manahawkin. But Steve's serum has started wearing off, and the years of extreme physical combat and his abnormal body mass are catching up with his heart. As well, an unexpected cost has been birthed from the ashes in their corner of New Jersey, threatening the settlement at Manahawkin and radicalizing the remains of the U.S. Army: Gennisism. A movement dedicated to Thanos as the bringer, though inversely, of the Rapture, revering him as a manifestation of God. As Steve grapples with his own mortality, and he and Thor fight to protect the people of Manahawkin from the spread of Gennisism, they must come to terms with whether or not theirs is a fight they can win, or if it is even their fight at all.