Just a quick lil' experiment to test what I'd be able to do with this kind of topic. Keep in mind that the story is meant to be based hundreds of years in the past (specifics not necessary), so homosexuality would definitely not be as accepted as it is today. Feel free to literally copy-paste any part of this into your own stories if you like what I've done, just be sure to give some form of credit as a sign of politeness. Not that this story is gonna get more than like...seven reads.
This story features our darling protagonist Emma, a sweet young girl caring for a jaded husband and an estate reeking with neglect. Along comes Annabel, a woman who passes through her village flagrantly show off her prized steed. Annabel, despite being a woman herself, attempts to court Emma with a formal charm the village girl had never before experienced due to her limited connections. When Annabel finally offers Emma a road to adventure and luxury, Emma is finally given her opportunity to leave behind the drab life that had cursed her for so long, Annabel's determined glow creating a beacon of hope.
Also yeah I used a stock image on Canva for the cover. So sue me; it's 3 AM :/